Merc With A Mouth Is Smart AF

A production company known to keep its audience wanting for more, Fox Star India has a reputation of hitting just the right spot. In May 2018, the company decided to release the most-awaited superhero film, Deadpool 2. In our excitement, we pulled off the following to generate a buzz!

  1. Hindi Trailer  

After the success of the first Hindi trailer of Deadpool 2, we launched the second and final Hindi trailer of Deadpool 2 on 7th May 2018, which was dubbed by Ranveer Singh. The trailer got 3.8 M views on Facebook. Also the engagement received were 186 K, and the total reach of the final Hindi trailer was 7.3 M.

  1. Telugu Trailer  

To engage our audience in the south, we launched the final Telugu trailer on 9th May 2018. We got over 194 K views with a reach of 18 K and a really good engagement.

  1. Tamil Trailer  

On 10th May 2018, we released the Tamil trailer. For this, we got over 350 K views with a reach of 14.3 K and a very powerful engagement.

  1. #MercWithAMouth  


In order to create buzz around the movie, engaging the audience with contests and fun activities was important. We launched the #MercWithAMouth activity wherein the audience had to tell us their favorite dialogue from the trailer. A few lucky winners got the chance to win official Deadpool merchandise.

The activity’s overall reach on Facebook was over 99 K. On Twitter, the activity had impressions over 14 K and on Instagram, it had a reach of over 7.1 K.

  1. #SmartAF  


In the #SmartAF activity, the audience had to comment something really quirky and witty in order to impress our very own Deadpool.

This activity got a reach of over 11.7 K on Facebook and over 21.9 K impressions on Twitter. In addition to that, the activity got 12.8 K impressions on Instagram with a reach of 10.9 K. Also, the engagement received was over 1.3 K.

  1. #PoseItLikeForce  


For this activity, the users had to pose like Deadpool’s X-Force and send us their snap using #PoseItLikeForce.

This activity was done across all the platforms and had a reach over 56.7 K on Facebook. It gained impressions of 27.6 K on Twitter and it got to a reach of 15.6 K with 18.5 K impressions on Instagram.

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